Jul 04 2018 01:57 AM
1. I'm using Active Directory (on-prem) with abc.com domain, but it's not verified.
2. I already synced with AAD and the AAD has a verified domain(abc.co.kr)
3. UPN from on-prem AD had been synced as '1@abc.co.kr', '2@abc.co.kr' following MOERA policy.
4. Configured ADFS to use O365.
5. When put 1@abc.co.kr to office.com login page, it redirects to ADFS login page(sts.abc.co.kr) and it said 'invalid username or password information' when i put correct credentials for the account.
Onprem AD (abc.com)
ADFS (sts.abc.co.kr)
AAD /O365 (abc.co.kr -verified)
Perhaps we might find a solution by setting up an adfs clame rule... can you help me change the input coming into abc.co.kr to abc.com?
Thank you!
Jul 04 2018 10:38 AM
I'm not sure I completely understand your scenario, thus I cannot guarantee it will work, but if you need examples on how to manipulate the UPN claim, you can find some in this article: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/abizerh/2013/02/05/supportmultipledomain-switch-when-managing-ss...
Jul 05 2018 07:54 AM
So, if you're having the error in phase 2., just use the 1@abc.com to login.