Server 2019, New Profile takes 5mins to display first app.

Copper Contributor

Following an issue with updated the Office 365 applications I have reloaded two RD servers with fresh installs of Server 2019 and the latest FSLogix, 2.9.8440.42104. Settings are applied by GPO, RoamRecycleBin is disabled.


Since the reloading the servers if I sign in with a user that doesn't have a profile it takes 5mins 30secs before the applications loads. If I log the user off and back on it loads the profile straight away, so only happens when the profile is being created.


There's no apparent issues with the server setup, everything else works fine. It doesn't appear to be a resource issue I can try logging in late in the evening when no one else is on the system and it will still take the same length time so appears to be something waiting to time out?


Any help would be appreciated.

1 Reply

Hi Andrew,

The latest FSlogix versions are buggy. I advise using version FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2 (2.9.8228.50276). This is the version I keep all my customers on.