Office not remembering sign in FSLogix 2.9.8612.60056

Copper Contributor

Hello all!

Have you experienced issues that users needs to sign in to all the mailboxes of outlook every time they sign in (in my case AVD, they are managed by intune).


At the beginning of this year we upgraded to 2.9.8612.60056, and some users are complaining that they need to fill in all passwords of the mailboxes they own in outlook each time they sign on the AVD.



6 Replies



I'm getting this intermittently too, plus Office apps sometimes reporting that they need repairing

I'm going to try the new hotfix 3 preview (2.9.8716) to see if that fixes the issue.




Ken Z

@Ken_Z Hi Ken, did updating to hotfix 3 fix the problem? I am having environments with the latest version of FSLogix with the same problem.

We did a downgrade to the version they were using before the update



I've made a couple of other changes at the same time as upgrading the hotfix 3 preview, and at the moment I've got a stable environment that isn't causing the same Office "fix me" issues". BTW the new hotfix 3 also works well with the new Teams v2.1 so that's a bonus.


Can't remember all the changes i did, but they also included some changes to the redirections.xml file and some GPO changes for FSLogix





Are these VMs Entra Hybrid joined with Hybrid identities?

Windows Server 2019 here. We updated FSLogix in december and since then Office 365 does not preserve license activation. Now on FSLogix 2210 hotfix 3 (2.9.8784.63912) and the issue presists.

Maybe a Windows KB breaking things but only users with FSLogix containers are affected.