FSLogix profile cont. Outlook in cached mode with shared mailboxes freezes server

Copper Contributor

Windows server 2019 physical installed on server.

Hyper-V on top, with Server 2019 hosts installed

2019 Host run as RDP server for many users

Profiles Managed with FSLogix on separate FS 

Fslogix and outlook ost in 1 profile disk

Outlook 365 in cached mode setting in GPO of Outook 2016 with not FsLogix GPO


The problem only occurse with shared mailboxes.(Untill now can not reproduce without it)

When ever there is a user on the server that has a shared mailbox connected to the outlook profile the server will crash in a way that the clients are disconnected and i can not reboot the server.


Server will hang indefinitly if turned off the proper way in windows untill i kill the vmwp.exe in services.msc.


I can login and work (slowly) on the server with the local admin account.

There i can see that the fslogix profile disks are still connected in the diskmananger.


In the logging we see many "An error was detected on device \Device\Harddiskx\DRx during a paging operation"  


On the file server i see the following in wireshark:

14783634 4306.131063 IP_RDSServer IP_Fileserver ISAKMP 94 Unknown 246
14783671 4306.440946 IP_RDSServer IP_Fileserver ISAKMP 378 Identity Protection (Main Mode) 
14805638 4309.441106 IP_RDSServer IP_Fileserver ISAKMP 378 Identity Protection (Main Mode)
14806723 4312.441234 IP_RDSServer IP_Fileserver ISAKMP 378 Identity Protection (Main Mode)
14807269 4314.413033 IP_RDSServer IP_Fileserver ISAKMP 94 Unknown 246


The identity Protection (Main Mode) is also see somtimes during the day, but users have no problem.

But i do see them more times when ever the problem occures.


It happens even with just 1 connected user. 

When ever i turn the function off to make outlook work in online mode, we can continue for weeks with out problem.


I hope anyone has seen or experienced a similer issue, bcz i do not know where to go from here.

I dont want to turn off cachedmode just for this. 






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