June 28, 2023, at 8AM Pacific FY23 Tech Talks BI


Current Presenters: New Fabric Readiness and Enablement Resources: aka.ms/FabricPartnerResources – Diana Tram Nguyen


This Wednesday 8AM Pacific Time will be our last session for FY23 and we will pause for summer break all of July 2023. Please help share your feedback on your experience attending the FY23 weekly partner call at aka.ms/FY23BIPartnerCallSurvey


We will resume on August 2, 2023 at 8AM Pacific Time for our FY24 weekly partner community call. Please download the FY24 Fabric Partner Call invite at aka.ms/FY24FabricPartnerCall to not miss upcoming calls.


Tech Talks: BI on demand – recordings and decks are available on

Be sure to watch the latest Fabric AMA session with Amir Netz, CTO Azure Data to learn more about Microsoft Fabric, https://aka.ms/fabric.

  1. BI Partner Community Teams channel under the Files, by end of week
  2. Microsoft Power Platform Partner Portal: Partner Transform in the Partner Updates tab by the following Tuesday morning

REMINDER we are giving out a limited number of 50% off exam vouchers.
These vouchers are valid through July 30th, 2023, and we would love to give every single one of them out. Partner individuals are eligible to request a voucher per exam:

Please request your 50% Discount Exam Voucher here: aka.ms/FY23H2BIPPdiscount

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