Update Name / Alias on Room Mailbox

Copper Contributor

Hello, I've renamed a room mailbox in Exchange online with the following power shell commands:

Set-Mailbox "oldName" -Name "newName"
Set-Mailbox "oldName" -Alias "newName"
Set-Mailbox "newName" -DisplayName "newName"

Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName oldName@Domain.com -NewUserPrincipalName newName@Domain.com
Set-Mailbox -Identity newName -WindowsEmailAddress newName@Domain.com


This 7 Hours ago...


If I search the new room under Contacts, it will be displayed with the new Name.

Try to search on locations / Outlook App and OWA shows only the old Name.

By clicking in Outlook App on the locations Tab > global Adress List shows the new Name.

The availability will also not be shown


Where is my mistake?

2 Replies
No mistake, you have to wait for the OAB to be updated, which happens once per 24h in Exchange Online.

Thx for your fast reply. The same situation is still existing. Hope the update will be done in the next time. @Vasil Michev