May 03 2018 09:45 AM
We migrated a user from Exchange to Office 365. The shared mailbox is still on premises in Exchange. The full access is working and i can see that the user can still open the mailbox via OWA (open another mailbox).
This user had the mailbox automapped to his Outlook and after migrating him, his Outlook will no longer open the automapped mailbox.
When we try and remove the full access permissions and the automapping from the mailbox on prem it will not remove from Outlook. (We need to delete his Outlook profile and recreate to get rid of it)
Since it thinks it is automapped, we cannot remove the mailbox from his Outlook. Even after removing it via powershell on prem.
Since the mailbox is already added to his Outlook. We cannot go to account settings and force the mailbox to be added to the profile again.
Thoughts? We will eventually move the shared mailbox to Office 365. But there are a lot of users accessing this mailbox. We cannot migrate it until we are ready for the rest of the users?
May 03 2018 10:05 AM
Automapping is NOT supported cross-premises, it's clearly mentioned in the documentation and you should have planned around it. Anyway, apart from recreating the Outlook profile for any of the affected users, you can try to manually edit the automapping attributes as detailed for example here:
Another thing to try is to "reset" automapping via the –ClearAutoMapping switch for Remove-MailboxPermission. I'm not sure however whether this cmdlet made it to on-premises, so it might not be available for you. If it is, be aware that running it will clear the automapping for all users that currently have access to said mailbox, you cannot designate a single delegate with it.
May 03 2018 10:06 AM
May 03 2018 11:05 AM
@VasilMichev - Understood and we have and are taking into account automapping as part of full end user migrations. Currently our issue is that we have migrated a select user group that are ok with losing automapping. The issue now is that after the user was migrated the mailbox is still "stuck" as automapped to the Outlook client. We cannot delete or remove it, I have tried everything on prem in powershell and AD, etc. Since it broken in a "stuck" automapped stated, we cannot add a secondary mailbox to Outlook.
@Deleted - Automapping is working fine for remaining Exchange on prem users to Exchange and Office 365 to Office 365.
Mar 17 2019 02:43 PM
Nov 04 2021 08:05 AM