Sep 11 2020 02:31 AM
Hello Exchange Online and Powershell experts, I have a script that fails to complete because of time-out in session. Therefore, I thought of running it as a background job. I've seen some articles about that, but there they used the old exo ps modules and basic auth. I would like to achieve that using ps module supporting modern auth. Any ideas about that? Best regards - Ruslan
Sep 11 2020 08:28 AM
SolutionThe V2 module has some better login and should reconnect sessions automatically (for a time), but other than that not much has changed and you should still follow the same old recommendations.
Sep 12 2020 04:11 AM
If the session time out resulting of inactivity, then you can keep sending from time to time a request to the exchange server and small invocation for the connection to keep the session active.
Sep 14 2020 05:37 AM
Using V2 module in combination with new cmdlets in the script solved the timeout issue.
Sep 11 2020 08:28 AM
SolutionThe V2 module has some better login and should reconnect sessions automatically (for a time), but other than that not much has changed and you should still follow the same old recommendations.