Migration Batches Advice

Copper Contributor

We are about to start a 1600 mailbox migration.  Roughly 1000 of those mailboxes are under 2gigs with no dependancies (delegates etc) so we were going to move those mailboxes first.  The plan is to group them into batches of 200..  So five batches of 200 for this group.  The thought is to get all batches synced up to 95% the week before,  then complete the batches one by one over the weekend.  When completeing these batches, is it necessary to wait for each batch to finish before starting on the next batch?  Since there are no dependencies involved here, can we not just complete them all once?  I realize that MS would throttle the completions but just not sure if we should wait for each batch to finish before starting the next one.  Thank you.

2 Replies

You can have multiple batches running at the same time, if that's what you are asking.

So completeing those five batches at the same time shouldnt be an issue?