Message trace for auto-forwarded emails

Iron Contributor


Hi there!


Looking for a message trace PS command that would find all emails that have been auto-forwarded externally. I'd like to provide email stats on how many auto-forwarded emails to external email addresses we have for a certain time (i.e. 14 or 30 days). When I view the message header for auto-forwarded emails, there is a property named "X-MS-Exchange-Inbox-Rules-Loop" that identifies these emails. But it looks like this property cannot be part of a search field in message trace.


Is this search possible in Exchange online? Thanks in advance for suggestions.




1 Reply

No easy way to do this unfortunately, you will have to get the full message trace logs, then get the Message trace details and filter them for any "Redirect" events. Running an "extended" trace should also be an option.