increase of logfiles due to export PST?

Brass Contributor

We are in a 2007-2013 coexistence environment. On 2007 I am doing an export to PST with Powershell:

Get-Mailbox J.Doe | export-mailbox -PSTFolderPath \\fileserver\PST


This works fine but now the person responsible for backup says there is an increase in database transactions and with that an increase in database log file creations. We are not migrating yet from 2007 to 2013, only exporting some mailboxes to PST's.


Can this export cause the increase of logfiles?

1 Reply

We just discovered that this increase alfeady occurred before we started to export to PST's. It seems that it started after we installed Exchange 2013 next to 2007. Can this coexistence cause for more transactions and logfiles?