Oct 04 2016 09:50 PM
Experts, please give me helpful info regarding below symptom. The customer can't ask tech support because of their company reason. (let me skip its details here)
Customer uses O365 without on-premises. Sending email to out of org mostly results in 3 patterns depends on cases -
#1. sent email missed text and winmail.dat is attached
#2. all attachements are converted to .dat
#3. only attachements are missed
Referred several KB and blog related with this symptom, but they're not clear in how to completely solve it. Using plain text format can't be a solution.
Now they're starting O365 switched from Google. This issue badly impact their business.
Appreciate any advaice from you all. Thanks & Regards.
Oct 05 2016 01:32 AM
They should apply the steps from scenario 2 in this article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2487954
If they don't want to apply those changes per remote domain, they can do it for every remote domain by running:
Set-RemoteDomain -Identity Default -TNEFEnabled $false
Oct 05 2016 01:51 AM