May 31 2019 03:40 AM
Hello all. I have a problem with get-help any Exchange cmdlet in powershell. This happens both when connecting to Exchange Online using basic authentication ( and the Exchange Online Powershell Module (
I've been in touch with MS Support who says that this is by design for the Exchange Online Powershell Module. That sounds very strange to me as get-help is massively useful, especially for a powershell newbie.
System variables path for Powershell is in place:
Same with PSmodulepath:
I get this error message when using get-help for any Exchange cmdlet. All other cmdlets are fine.
get-help : Exception calling "Invoke" with "0" argument(s): "Cannot find path '' because it does not exist." At line:1 char:1 + get-help Set-MailboxFolderPermission + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-Help], MethodInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletInvocationException
Anyone experienced anything similar? Suggestions how to fix?
May 31 2019 10:03 AM
It's most certainly not by design, but it doesn't look like it's getting fixed either. I've reported it maybe an year ago, several times after that, no progress at all. I guess it's time to pester them again 🙂
Jun 03 2019 04:50 AM
@VasilMichev: Please pester 😉 I've escalated the support incident, but if this error started a year ago I won't hold my breath.
Jun 03 2019 08:55 AM
Well they did fix a similar issue in other parts of the service, but it seems like it's taking a loooong time for the fix to get to the Exchange folks. Anyway, they are looking into it now.