Exchange Server recover - DAG Member - Urgent Help Needed

Brass Contributor

Hello All


Recently i have recovvred exchnage server using /mode: recover switch. all wroking fine


Previously the exchange server was part of DAG due to OS corruption, OS re-installed and on top of exchnage server recovered. 


Currently this server is standalone , before adding into DAG, i would to test the outlook connectvity towards this server. I made the HOST file pointing to this Server IP and Hostname, and keep asking password in outlook . My mailbox is currenly in DAG. whichc am trying connect in outlook using host file directly to connect the standlaone server,


Is this correct way to test before put the server in DAG.  The intention of this validation to avoid any service interrpution after i move the server in DAG. 


Exchange 2016 environment with CU 22



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