Exchange Server 2016 ECP/OWA - Blank Page is loading

Copper Contributor

Hello All


I am experiencing this issue since last week and users are unable to login to OWA web login as it stops with a blank page. (On both Servers)


Sometimes when the server restarts it is started to working, but after a few minutes the issue starts again.

Environment: Exchange 2016 DAG 2 Node (Build: 15.1.2507.12)


I already tried below.

  1. SSL Certificate status in Default Web Site and Back End Site - Both has the same third party certificate assigned. (Tried with self signed certificate too)
  2. Recreated ECP and OWA virtual directories (on both servers)
  3. Ran the scripts - UpdateCas.ps1, UpdateConfigFiles.ps1 and updated the servers.
  4. Updated Exchange to the latest build - 15.1.2507.12


Any suggestions?


Thank You.

4 Replies
have you checked the exchange server auth authentication certificate?
Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate is in valid state.
the problems you mentioned may be due to the following reasons.

Incorrect time settings in server clock

Exchange components or license issues (i recommend you to do a health checker)

you can change the browser
Time settings are correct.
However I can see lots of "400 2 Connection_Dropped MSExchangeRpcProxyAppPool" errors in IIS log folder at C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR.