Exchange 2016 - Event ID 2 - RestDeepTestProbe/MSExchangeRestAppPool

Copper Contributor


i'm troubleshooting a problem on our exchange server 2016 infrastructure (two servers in two different domains; so not related to each other in any way).

On both servers the CU 2021-04 is currently installed on these servers.

The problem occurs since the exchange servers have been setup (~6 and 9 month ago), the error occurs every 2-5 minutes.

The problem which occurs is logged in the Event-Manager within "Windows\Exchange\ActiveMonitoring\ProbeResult" und only logs the error "Probe result (Name=RestDeepTestProbe/MSExchangeRestAppPool)".



Because the error was not very helpful i digged a bit into it (thanks to this website this was not so hard:
And so i was able to pull out these information from the deep of the event viewer:


auto-ns2                       :
xmlns                          : myNs
Id                             : 1019177704
AssemblyPath                   : D:\Exchange
TypeName                       : Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Responders.EscalateWit
Name                           : PrivateWorkingSetError.msexchangerestapppoolEscalate
WorkItemVersion                : [null]
ServiceName                    : Rest.Protocol
DeploymentId                   : 0
ExecutionLocation              : [null]
CreatedTime                    : 2021-05-28T16:15:14.0167242Z
Enabled                        : 1
TargetPartition                : [null]
TargetGroup                    : [null]
TargetResource                 : msexchangerestapppool
TargetExtension                : [null]
TargetVersion                  : [null]
RecurrenceIntervalSeconds      : 300
TimeoutSeconds                 : 300
StartTime                      : 2021-05-28T16:15:24.0167242Z
UpdateTime                     : 2021-05-28T16:15:14.0167242Z
MaxRetryAttempts               : 3
ExtensionAttributes            : <ExtensionAttributes LoadFromResourceAttributeValue="False"
                                 WatsonProcessName="w3wp#msexchangerestapppool" QueryTimeSpan="1.00:00:00"
                                 ExceptionName="M.E.M.A.A.Responders.WatsonResponder+PrivateWorkingSetException" />
AlertMask                      : PrivateWorkingSetError.msexchangerestapppool/msexchangerestapppool
WaitIntervalSeconds            : 14400
MinimumSecondsBetweenEscalates : 14400
EscalationSubject              : Process isolation: Process error message for high memory usage: 
EscalationMessage              : The msexchangerestapppool process exceeded the storage failure threshold.
EscalationService              : [null]
EscalationTeam                 : Web Services
NotificationServiceClass       : 2
DailySchedulePattern           :
AlwaysEscalateOnMonitorChanges : 0
Endpoint                       : [null]
CreatedById                    : 0
Account                        : [null]
AlertTypeId                    : PrivateWorkingSetError.msexchangerestapppool
TargetHealthState              : 8
CorrelatedMonitorsXml          : [null]
ActionOnCorrelatedMonitors     : 0
ResponderCategory              : ProcessIsolation
ThrottleGroupName              : [null]
ThrottlePolicyXml              : [null]
UploadScopeNotification        : 0
SuppressEscalation             : 0
Version                        : 0


By troubleshooting some other errors on the exchange server, these are the steps i already tried to fix the error:

  • recycle the application "MSExchangeRestAppPool" in IIS
  • remove all monitoring mailboxes on the exchange server and recreate them
  • uninstall the „Exchange Web Services Managed API“

I cannot find any further information, which memory limit is set, how can i increase it or any other information, how to get this problem fixed.

Thanks for any help

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