Exchange 2016 Certificate import problem

Copper Contributor

We have a wildcard certificate for our organization's external presence. It works with our older Exchange 2010 servers and we had no problem importing and using it on those platforms. However we are migrating to Ex2016 as a stepping stone to Exchange online.


When I use the EMS cmdlet:

Import-ExchangeCertificate -FileName "C:\temp\star_skld_com.crt" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'PASSWORD' -AsPlainText -Force)


I get no errors and what looks like a successful import. However when I look at the certificates:

Get-ExchangeCertificate | where {$_.Status -eq "Valid"} | Format-List FriendlyName,Subject,CertificateDomains,Thumbprint,NotBefore,NotAfter


The new certificate does not show in the list.


If I delete the certificate from the Certificate MMC and I import the certificate it still does not show in either EMC nor that same command in EMS.


I cannot find anything relating to this problem and how to solve it.


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