Exchange 2013 -> Hybrid migration to EXO

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


We have 2 Exchange 2013 servers with a DAG group configured. We would like to migrate to Exchange Online. As we know the Exchange 2013 is end-of-life. Can we still configure the HCW or do we receive errors or is this still possible?

5 Replies

@Ivarious90 you can still configure HWC, Exchange 2013 reaches its end of support on April 11, 2023, Microsoft will no longer provide the following after this date:


  • Technical support for problems that may occur.
  • Bug fixes for issues that may impact the stability and usability of the server.
  • Security fixes for vulnerabilities that may make the server vulnerable to security breaches.
  • Time zone updates


 I recommend you upgrade to exchange 2019 unless you are planning to migrate your on-premises mailboxes to M365 after setting up the HWC. but if you will stay for a longer period with hybrid mode, then the best scenario is to upgrade your EX to 2019 and then configure the HWC.


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first step would be to setup a new server 2019 exchange setup hcw on this new server.
migrate all mailboxes to and required settings over to the new server. decommision the old servers. and migrate the mailboxes from the 2019 to exchange online. that is the supported method. this way you'll have a management server that is supported by MS.
follow this link :

@Simo_baz @eliekarkafy 

Thanks for the quick responses! So first upgrade and migrate to Exchange 2019 and then to EXO. The goal is to completely remove the on-prem Exchange environment. Is it also possible to install only new Exchange 2019 VM. Make it a member of the current Exchange 2013 and run the Hybrid setup on the Exchange 2019? Then migrate the mailboxes to EXO and then uninstall the on-prem environment? Thank you in advance again!

Hi @Ivarious90 


>The goal is to completely remove the on-prem Exchange environment

You can do that. But then you only install the Exchange 2019 Management Tools and Manage the Recipients via the SnapIn


If you go down that route, make sure you have an alternative for your Applications that use Exchange as an SMTServer or SMTPRelay.


>Is it also possible to install only new Exchange 2019 VM

Make sure you follow the Virtualization Requirements 

You should still able to Migrate from Exchange 2013 (no support as already mentioned)
Depending on the Amount of Mailboxes, needed Storage for Mailboxes and your Project Plan you might want first to install a Exchange 2019 Server.

Adding a new Server in the Exchange Organization requires Hybrid Wizard to run.
Move all Mailboxes to the new Server and Migrate from there also takes Time.

Be aware that Microsoft will start throteling or block old Servers. Starting with Exchange 2007 





Hi !
everything is possible but I personally would stick to the recommended and supported methods. Because if something goes wrong you can find troubleshooting guides online. You can completely remove the Exchange 2019 afterwards but you will have to setup the snap in as mentioned by Andres.