Exchange 2013 > 365 - Public Folder Migration Failure

Copper Contributor


I am trying to migrate our public folder to Office365 following this guide:



Everything runs through fine, there are no errors found in an validation scripts etc. But after creating the migration batch, it fails with:

Error: FailedToMailEnablePublicFoldersException: There are 2 Public Folders that could not be mail-enabled. Please, check the migration report starting at 1/13/2023 2:37:13 PM for additional details. This may indicate that mail public folder objects in Exchange Online are out of sync with your Exchange deployment. You may need to rerun the script Sync-MailPublicFolders.ps1 on your source Exchange server to update mail-enabled public folder objects in Exchange Online Active Directory.


The migration batch is still at 95% in powershell.

Following this guide:

Returns no results.


Re-running the sync-mailenabledmodernpublic folders script finds 0 mail enabled public folders.

I've deleted the batch, new PF mailbox created in Exchange 365, and started the whole process again from the beginning but it fails at the same stage with the same error.


I have no idea what 2 folders it's trying to mail-enable as none of them are mail enabled.


Can anyone help?

Thank you


1 Reply
Hello Andrew,

Did you get any solution for this issue?, I am also facing the same issue.