Dynamic Distribution Group with custom recipientfilter by Title contains no members

Bronze Contributor

I'm trying to create a dynamic distribution group in exchange online, using a recipientfilter to include all users with a specific job title.  I started an exchange online session in powershell, and created the group by running:


New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DDGTest" -RecipientFilter {(Title -eq 'System Administrator')}


Once the group was created, I started composing a new email in OWA and selected DDGTest from the address book.  I clicked the + next to the group name in the To field to expand it's members, but the group just disappeared, as if there were no members.  I then ran this powershell command to preview the results of the group's recipient filter:


(Get-DynamicDistributionGroup ddgtest).recipientpreviewfilter

The command returned no results, confirming that the filter apparently matched 0 recipients.  I know for certain that the job title I specified is an exact match for the job title of at least one user.  In fact, I tried a couple of other job titles as well, using job titles that should match many users, with the same results.  Do I have the syntax of the filter wrong, or is there something else I'm missing?





3 Replies

Works fine here:


[20:19:49][O365]# New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name title -RecipientFilter {Title -eq "WC"}

Name  ManagedBy
----  ---------

[20:20:29][O365]# Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter (Get-DynamicDistributionGroup title).recipientFilter

Name RecipientType
---- -------------
WC   UserMailbox

[20:20:53][O365]# Get-Recipient WC | ft Name,title

Name Title
---- -----


Probably some typo you've made in the string?

Ok, I just spotted what you are doing differently from what I am.  To see what members were included in the filter, I was just running

(Get-DynamicDistributionGroup ddgtest).recipientpreviewfilter 

When I run the command as you did, it does return the expected result:

PS U:\> get-recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter (Get-DynamicDistributionGroup ddgtest).recipientfilter

Name           RecipientType
----           -------------
Steve Whitcher UserMailbox

So, is this actually working and I was just not using the right command to verify membership?  I wonder if I misread that somewhere or just made it up out of thin air...


Is it also not possible to expand the membership of a DDG in Outlook or OWA?  That would explain why the group just disappeared when I tried to click the plus to expand it... 

You shouldnt even see an expand button, I'll report this...


The methods to preview DDG membership are listed here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb232019(v=exchg.160).aspx