Deprecation of Outlook Anywhere


Microsoft has announced their intention to deprecate the RPC over HTTP protocol (aka Outlook Anywhere) from October 31, 2017. All Outlook connections to Exchange Online from then will have to use MAPI over HTTP.

3 Replies

Hey Tony - was reading up on this as I'm going to be impacted (potentially) with Outlook 2010 clients that may not be patched connecting to Office 365 Exchange Online.  Is there a way to "force" a connection to be MAPI over HTTP for a specific mailbox in Exchange Online? 


We want to do some validation of connectivity and versions as we're being told by MS support that the "major" version of Office needs to reflect the updates and not just the version of Outlook.


Appreciate any guidance on this one.  Thanks again!



I don't think you will be able to force an Outlook Anywhere connection (RPC over HTTP) for a specific client. The simple fact is that Microsoft is turning off the protocol on the Exchange Online servers. When that happens, Outlook clients will have to use MAPI over HTTP to connect.

I think I may have confused things...I actually want to shut off Outlook Anywhere and force the client to connect via MAPI over HTTP.  I couldn't seem to find any way to do this via set-casmailbox even though there's an anchor parameter for it.  I'll contact support to see if they can selectively enable this per mailbox.