Change OWA url

Brass Contributor

We're changing the internal and external OWA url on on-prem exchange 2010 but after changing it to the new url when we connect to it via browser we are redirect to the old one, and got the certificate error.

If we use the url https:/ we're redirected to

if we use the url we are not redirected to the old url.

There's probably some settings in IIS we're missing ?

We already did a iisreset but not solving it


2 Replies

@StefanoC66 Hi,


For external URL, you need to change external DNS and publish new server in your firewall.






As I said the problem is not that I don’t reach it, we already published the new url, but that when we use the new url the server redirect us to the old url with /owa
I’m looking into the IIS settings for redirection