An approved moderated message

Copper Contributor

An approved moderated message was delivered but message trace shows as failed, drop. Not sure why?

6 Replies
Date (UTC) | Event | Detail |
5/22/2023, 11:11 AM | Receive | Message received by: SA1P110MB1053.NAMP110.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM

5/22/2023, 11:11 AM | Submit | The message was submitted.

5/22/2023, 11:11 AM | Drop | Reason: [{LED=250 2.1.5 Resolver.MT.StartModeration; recipient is moderated};{MSG=};{FQDN=};{IP=};{LRT=}]

5/22/2023, 11:13 AM | Receive | Message received by:

5/22/2023, 11:13 AM | Receive | Message received by:

5/22/2023, 11:13 AM | Expand DL | The message was sent to a distribution list (DL) that was expanded to the recipients of the DL

Hi @fclarion 

it might be a glitch in the message trace happened to me before.



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Microsoft message trace service it happen to me before.

Thanks. Doesn't look like you finished your sentence.
yes just updated it.

Thanks. Appreciate the response. The Failed/Drop/ExpandedDL happens a lot. 

Hi @fclarion

If I have answered your question, please mark your post as Solved

If you like my response, please give it a Like :smile: