Aug 07 2023 05:14 AM
I'm trying to add one Dynamic Distribution List to sender restriction list of another Dynamic Distribution List using the followin command:
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup -Identity <SourceDDLName> -AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom <DDLFQDN that needs to be added to sender restriction list on SourceDDLNAme>
However, getting the following error:
Write-ErrorMessage :
{"ClassName":"Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Tasks.RecipientTaskException","Message":"\"email address removed for privacy reasons\" isn't an individual recipient.","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"E
xceptionMethod":"8\nThrowError\nMicrosoft.Exchange.Configuration.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral,
Just curious if it is technically possible to do it or I'm missing something?
Taranjeet Singh
Aug 07 2023 07:53 AM
SolutionAug 07 2023 02:28 PM
Aug 07 2023 07:53 AM