Accelerating Exchange 2019 at Ignite 2018


Have you ever tried to use SSDs with Exchange Server only to be told that it's a really bad idea and that you should concentrate on JBOD. Well, Microsoft has made some changes in Exchange 2019 and will talk about them at Ignite, and you can learn about it on Wednesday, Sept 26 in-person, online, or afterwards.

5 Replies

missing some of your important blogs as i dont see RSS feeds to set on

There's an RSS feed widget in the left-hand bar.

I am sorry but I don't see RSS Feeds anywhere on the site.



It's under the Top Posts widget...

I'm probably the few odd balls that fully deployed a virtualized exchange environment running on all flash. It ran awesome. It wasn't a technical reason for it. The reasons were all business, at the end of the day it was way cheaper for us to use all flash. Not everyone can say that though. each business has their requirements.