New Microsoft IT Showcase material available for Exchange Server 2007
Published Dec 08 2006 09:35 AM 571 Views

Exchange Server 2007 on the 64-bit platform enables Microsoft IT to increase service levels, optimize messaging protection, improve regulatory compliance, and provide new unified messaging services. At the same time, the Exchange Server 2007–based messaging environment lowers costs associated with the acquisition and maintenance of server hardware, storage equipment, and backup solutions. The cost savings will exceed $5 million per year, enabling Microsoft IT to reach the breakeven point fewer than 12 months after migration.

Several new related pieces of content:

Going 64-Bit with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Published: 11/30/06

Enterprise Messaging with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Published: 11/30/06

How Microsoft IT Designs Its 64-bit Exchange Server 2007 Infrastructure
Published: 11/7/06 Podcasts added: 11/15/06

To read it all or listen to the podcast, click here:

- Nino Bilic

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‎Jul 01 2019 03:22 PM
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