Geek Out With Perry: Why Exchange does migrations instead of in-place upgrades
Published Nov 05 2010 11:45 AM 1,007 Views

After a brief hiatus, Perry Clarke is back to geek out with you through his blog and the Geek Out with Perry video series!

In the latest installment of Geek Out with Perry, we asked Perry to share some insight into Exchange design decisions and address a frequently asked question that comes up when customers are planning upgrades to the latest version of Exchange: why does Exchange do rolling migrations instead of in-place upgrades? Read the blog and check out the video to find out why.

Got more questions?

We want to hear more questions you may have for Perry so we have plenty for him to geek out on. And if you're attending Tech.Ed Europe in Berlin next week, you can submit your questions on camera! Head over to the Exchange/Unified Communications booth area and look for me (the Geek Out with Perry series host). Come prepared to be on camera and ask questions you've been wanting Perry to address. Perry will answer them through videos or his blog.

Even if you can't make it to Berlin, we look forward to your questions and feedback!

Ann Vu

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‎Jul 01 2019 03:55 PM
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