Call to Exchange Admins for Tech Ed 2005
Published May 13 2005 08:10 AM 634 Views

Help guide Exchange for the future and get free software!!

Want to participate in an important session at Tech Ed 2005 and gain valuable insight into Exchange and help guide future releases?  We plan on holding 4 focus group sessions with Exchange IT Administrators at Tech Ed 2005 on June 7th (Tue) and June 9th (Thu) between 8.45 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. We require you to participate in one session only. This is an opportunity to give feedback about how well we convey the Exchange features and components so that they are meaningful, and easy to understand and deploy. We need Exchange IT Administrators with at least 4 years of in-depth experience working with Exchange Server, Outlook Web Access (OWA) (and or remote and mobile access), as well as other servers that sit on the gateway and perform message hygiene functions (examples are anti-spam, anti-virus, content filtering, and include servers like Sendmail Postfix, etc).

Each participant will receive a software package of their choice that ranges from games, MS Office, Visual Studio, etc. Interested participants should send email to Melroy D’Souza (melroyds AT microsoft DOT com). Please respond latest by Friday, June 3rd, 2005.

- Melroy D’Souza

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‎Jul 01 2019 03:05 PM
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