A fix for the interoperability issues between Exchange 2007 and 2010 EMC and IE9 is now available
Published Oct 17 2011 11:54 AM 13.1K Views

Update 12/13/2011: Please note that starting with today, you do not need to call Microsoft Support to get the fix to resolve this issue. All that is required now is installation of December 13, 2011 IE security update, KB 2618444. The below blog post has been updated accordingly.

We are happy to report that a fix for the Exchange Management Console (EMC) issues when Internet Explorer 9 is installed is now available. To be specific, we have talked about this in a previous blog post:

Exchange 2007 or 2010 EMC might fail to close with "You must close all dialog boxes before you can c...

How does this fix need to be applied?

In order to install the fix, a released version of IE9 needs to be installed on the machine first. Then:

The KB article talking about all this has also been updated: KB 2624899 FIX: You cannot close the EMC window on a computer that has Internet Explorer 9 installed

Finally, I would like to thank the Internet Explorer team for working with us on this interoperability issue and producing this hotfix.

Nino Bilic

Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 01 2019 04:03 PM
Updated by: