@ XLookup returning #N/A error in 2 cells, works on all other cells

Copper Contributor

In using xlookup function, the formula looks up the current month (formula in cell:  =text(eomonth(today(),-2)+1,"mmmm") to look up in a row of months:  Oct, Nov, Dec,....September, and return the corresponding total commissions for the month.  The results appear correctly, with the exception of November (col. D) and July, (Col L).  For those two months, it returns #N/A.  I don't know why this is happening.  I have checked the months have the "mmmm" custom format.  Can you help?

My formula is:  xlookup(C29,C2:N2,C28:N28)

                         xlookup(month, range of months, range of commissions).

Thanks in advance!


1 Reply


Please check your data in C2:N2. That could be extra space like "November " or something similar. If month names are entered manually, type January in C2 and drag it till N2, all names will be added correctly.