Wich model to choose?

Copper Contributor


I'm a new AirB&B owner operator. Wich Excel demo model do you recommand for me to record my information as my expense and my revenue? I'm a beginner with Excel !

3 Replies


The more you learn, the bigger version upgrade you will want. 

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The choice is up to you, you can choose one of the Office versions according to your individual possibilities and wishes. You can start with Office for web or with Office 365 if you have internet access. If not, you can use Office 2016 or 2019 as versions that do not require internet access.


I wish you much success and fun with MS Office.



Which model to choose depends on your business. I guess very few people here are familiar with AirB&B. If you have more concrete question(s) perhaps it'll be easier to help.



1. Create one big list of all your expenses in one worksheet. ( treat it as a check register for all you expenses, which you can then reconcile against your bank statement) Don't worry because by and by something will annoy you and you will start to say, "there's got to be an easier way of doing this (the thing that is annoying the crap out of you).


2. After you have a substantial list or after making your one big expense list for a week or a month when you get your bank statement to reconcile against your one big list, learn new functions (go to exceljet.com) to use to manage your one big list. Ideally (o365) learn power query so you can manage to create separate reconciliation table lists from your one big list to reconcile your weekly expenses.


Start there, bookmark exceljet.com it tells you the syntaxes of excel functions and gives intuitive examples how to use the function as well as intuitive examples of which other functions you can use with that particular function you are trying to learn (stack learning).

