Why do vba worksheet modules export as .cls modules?

Brass Contributor

I would like to clean up my Excel VBA project by exporting all code modules and then re-importing them. I understand that there is no VBA Project export or import, and that this must be done one module at a time. I only have 10-15 modules in the project, so I am not willing to pay for software if I can do it myself. I will do it manually (not I'm not looking for code to automate the process).


In VBE Project Explorer, when I a export a module in the Modules folder, it is written out as a .bas file, and I have no problem importing it. However, when I export a module in the Microsoft Excel Objects folder (e.g., Sheet1), it is written out as a .cls file.  When I import it, it goes into the Class folder, rather than the Microsoft Excel Objects folder. I'm wondering whether this is an Excel bug, or if there is something I can do to fix it.


The screenshot below shows the VBE project explorer before and after "cleanup." In the After screenshot, Sheet2 does not have any code. I had to create Sheet2 because a Workbook needs at least one worksheet.

before and after cleanup.jpg

6 Replies



Attribute VB_Name = "Mod_Vba"
'   This module can export and inport module by Workbook_BeforeSave event. Thus the files can be managed by version
'   control tools or edited in other IDE then imported back.
'   1. Import this module to a workbook.
'   2. In the Workbook_BeforeSave event, add: Syn "FULL_PATH_TO_YOUR_MODULE_FILE", "MODULE_NAME". eg.
'        Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
'            Syn "C:\projects\vba_lib\Mod_Vba.bas", "Mod_Vba"
'            Syn "C:\projects\vba_lib\Mod_Debug.bas"    ' If omit the module name, the module will be named as the file
'        End Sub
'   3. Save the workbook. The module will be imported.
'   4. Change the file in some 3rd-party editor and save. Save the workbook, the module will be imported.
'   5. Change the module code in VBA Editor. Save the workbook, the module will be exported.
'   * Path string in this module must be ended with "\"
'   * Path provided to Syn() must be absolute path
'   * This module should be named as 'Mod_Vba', otherwise need to change predefined name in ImportModule() accordingly

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Public Function Syn(ByVal sFile As String, Optional ByVal sModule As String)
    Dim bModule As Boolean, bFile As Boolean

    ' Check if file exists
    bFile = (Dir(sFile) <> "")

    ' Use file name as module name if not specified
    If sModule = "" Then
        sModule = Mid(sFile, InStrRev(sFile, "\") + 1)          ' Get file name
        sModule = Left(sModule, InStrRev(sModule, ".") - 1)   ' Remove extension
    End If

    ' Check if module exists
    bModule = InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents)

    If bFile = True And bModule = False Then
        ' Import the file if no module
        ImportModule sFile, sModule
    ElseIf bFile = False And bModule = True Then
        ' Export the module if no file
        ExportModule sModule, sFile
    ElseIf bFile = True And bModule = True Then
        Dim nDateDiff As Double
        nDateDiff = CDbl(Format(FileDateTime(sFile), "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"))
        nDateDiff = nDateDiff - CDbl(GetModuleStamp(sModule))
        If nDateDiff > 0 Then
            ' Import the file if it is newer.
            ' NOTE: Any modification of module in VBE will be overwritten.
            ImportModule sFile, sModule
        ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(sModule).Saved = False _
            Or nDateDiff < 0 Then
            ' Export if module is modified while file remains.
            ExportModule sModule, sFile
            Debug.Print "Synchronised " & sFile & " with " & sModule
            Exit Function
        End If
        Err.Raise 1, "Mod_Vba\Syn", "Neither file nor module are found."
        Exit Function
    End If

    Syn = SetModuleStamp(sModule, sFile)
    Debug.Print "Synchronised " & sFile & " with " & sModule

End Function

Public Function InCollection(Item As Variant, Parent As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    Parent.Item Item
    InCollection = (Err.Number = 0)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Private Function GetModuleStamp(ByVal sModule As String) As String
    If Not InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents) Then Exit Function

    GetModuleStamp = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description

    Dim nPos As Long
    nPos = InStr(1, GetModuleStamp, sModule)
    If nPos > 0 Then GetModuleStamp = Mid(GetModuleStamp, nPos + Len(sModule) + 1, 14) Else GetModuleStamp = "0"

    Debug.Print sModule & " stamp: " & GetModuleStamp
End Function

Private Function SetModuleStamp(ByVal sModule As String, ByVal TimeStamp) As String
    If Not InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents) Then Exit Function

    Dim sTimeStamp As String

    ' If TimeStamp is a file String then get the FileDateTime, else it is provided as a Date
    If TypeName(TimeStamp) = "String" Then TimeStamp = FileDateTime(TimeStamp)

    TimeStamp = Format(TimeStamp, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS")

    ' Store module timestamp in VBProject.Desciption
    Dim nPos As Long

    SetModuleStamp = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description

    ' Find the module position in timestamp string
    nPos = InStr(1, SetModuleStamp, sModule)
    If nPos > 0 Then
        ' If module found, update the timestamp
        SetModuleStamp = Left(SetModuleStamp, nPos - 1) & sModule & "@" & TimeStamp & "," & Mid(SetModuleStamp, nPos + Len(sModule) + 16)
        'Module not found, append the new timestamp
        SetModuleStamp = SetModuleStamp & sModule & "@" & TimeStamp & ","
    End If
    ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description = SetModuleStamp

    Debug.Print "Module stamp updated: " & SetModuleStamp
End Function

Public Function ImportModule(ByVal sFile As String, Optional ByVal sModule As String, Optional ByVal sWorkbookName As String = "") As String
    Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook
    Dim oVBC

    ' Use ActiveWorkbook by default
    If sWorkbookName = "" Then sWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    Set wbSource = Application.Workbooks(sWorkbookName)

    Set oVBC = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents

    ' Use file name as module name if not specified
    If sModule = "" Then
        sModule = Mid(sFile, InStrRev(sFile, "\") + 1)          ' Get file name
        sModule = Left(sModule, InStrRev(sModule, ".") - 1)   ' Remove extension
    End If

    ' Check if module exists
    If InCollection(sModule, oVBC) Then
        ' If module exists, rename old module
        oVBC(sModule).Name = sModule & "__Old__"

        ' Import the new module and rename
        oVBC.import sFile
        oVBC(oVBC.Count).Name = sModule

        ' For this module, the timestamp needs to be set before removing.
        If sModule = "Mod_Vba" Then SetModuleStamp sModule, sFile

        ' Delete the old module
        oVBC.Remove oVBC(sModule & "__Old__")
        ' If module does not exist, import and rename
        oVBC.import sFile
        oVBC(oVBC.Count).Name = sModule
    End If
    ImportModule = sModule

    Debug.Print sModule & " imported from " & sFile
End Function

Public Function ExportModule(Optional ByVal sModule As String = "", Optional ByVal sPath As String = "", Optional ByVal sWorkbookName As String = "")
    Dim sFile As String, sExt As String
    Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook
    Dim oVBC

    ' Use ActiveWorkbook by default
    If sWorkbookName = "" Then sWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    Set wbSource = Application.Workbooks(sWorkbookName)

    If wbSource.VBProject.Protection = 1 Then
        Debug.Print "Error: The VBA in this workbook is protected, not possible to export the code."
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Use workbook folder by default
    If sPath = "" Then sPath = wbSource.path & "\"

    If sModule = "" Then
        ' Export all modules if not specified
        For Each oVBC In wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents
            ' Match file extension with module type
            sExt = ModuleTypeExt(oVBC.Type)
            sFile = sPath & oVBC.Name & sExt
            If sExt <> "" Then oVBC.Export sFile
            Debug.Print sModule & " exported to " & sFile
    ElseIf InCollection(sModule, wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents) Then
        ' Export specific module
        Set oVBC = wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents(sModule)
        If Right(sPath, 1) = "\" Then
            ' If only path is given, use module name as file name
            sExt = ModuleTypeExt(oVBC.Type)
            sFile = sPath & oVBC.Name & sExt
            ' If full path is given
            sFile = sPath
        End If
        oVBC.Export sFile
        Debug.Print sModule & " exported to " & sFile
    End If
End Function

Private Function ModuleTypeExt(ByVal nModuleType) As String
    ' Check VBComponent.Type
    Select Case nModuleType
        Case 1
            ModuleTypeExt = ".bas"
        Case 2
            ModuleTypeExt = ".cls"
        Case 3
            ModuleTypeExt = ".frm"
        Case Else
            ' Worksheet or workbook object.
            ModuleTypeExt = ""
    End Select
End Function

I am not sure it is bug or not.

I used to run above VBA to export and import codes.

Hope helpful.

'Export all VBE modules instead of one by one

' Precondition:
''1. Reference Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3,
''2. Enable access to VBA project (Trust access to the VBA project)

Sub ExportVBEModules()
Dim ExportPath As String, ExtendName As String
Dim vbc As VBComponent
Dim i%

ExportPath = ThisWorkbook.Path

For Each vbc In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
' Get the number of lines of code in the module
i = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(vbc.Name).CodeModule.CountOfLines

'' Check if the module is not empty, i.e., if the number of lines of code is >= 1.
If i >= 1 Then
Select Case vbc.Type
Case vbext_ct_ClassModule, vbext_ct_Document ' Component type is Class Module, Excel Object
ExtendName = ".Cls" ' Set the file extension for export
Case vbext_ct_MSForm ' Component type is UserForm
ExtendName = ".frm"
Case vbext_ct_StdModule ' Component type is Standard Module
ExtendName = ".Bas"
End Select
If ExtendName <> "" Then
vbc.Export ExportPath & "\" & vbc.Name & ExtendName
End If
End If

End Sub

This VBA macro is used to batch export the code of VBE modules in the current workbook to a specified path.
Thank you for sharing your code. In function ModuleTypeExt, Worksheet or Workbook objects are exported without an extension. They will be imported as class modules, which is wrong. That's the problem I'm trying to solve: how to export and import Worksheet or Workbook objects. So maybe it's impossible.


Worksheet and workbook modules ARE class modules, but not stand-alone class modules. You cannot use File > Import to import them to a worksheet or workbook. You have to copy/paste the text.

Thank you. I'm beginning to understand now. Copying and pasting text of worksheet and workbook modules is a very simple solution. However I wonder if it accomplishes my goal of "cleaning up" an application.

Suppose that I have exported Sheet1 module. Now, I delete all the text in the Sheet1 module and recompile project. Then I copy and paste the text from Sheet1.cls (just the code) into the Sheet1 module. Does this accomplish anything? How is it different from ctrl-A, ctrl-X, ctrl-V? Surely that doesn't do any real cleanup, does it?


Compiling after deleting the code should remove the 'fluff' that builds up over time.