Mar 04 2024 04:28 PM
I would like to clean up my Excel VBA project by exporting all code modules and then re-importing them. I understand that there is no VBA Project export or import, and that this must be done one module at a time. I only have 10-15 modules in the project, so I am not willing to pay for software if I can do it myself. I will do it manually (not I'm not looking for code to automate the process).
In VBE Project Explorer, when I a export a module in the Modules folder, it is written out as a .bas file, and I have no problem importing it. However, when I export a module in the Microsoft Excel Objects folder (e.g., Sheet1), it is written out as a .cls file. When I import it, it goes into the Class folder, rather than the Microsoft Excel Objects folder. I'm wondering whether this is an Excel bug, or if there is something I can do to fix it.
The screenshot below shows the VBE project explorer before and after "cleanup." In the After screenshot, Sheet2 does not have any code. I had to create Sheet2 because a Workbook needs at least one worksheet.
Mar 04 2024 06:05 PM
Attribute VB_Name = "Mod_Vba"
' This module can export and inport module by Workbook_BeforeSave event. Thus the files can be managed by version
' control tools or edited in other IDE then imported back.
' 1. Import this module to a workbook.
' 2. In the Workbook_BeforeSave event, add: Syn "FULL_PATH_TO_YOUR_MODULE_FILE", "MODULE_NAME". eg.
' Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
' Syn "C:\projects\vba_lib\Mod_Vba.bas", "Mod_Vba"
' Syn "C:\projects\vba_lib\Mod_Debug.bas" ' If omit the module name, the module will be named as the file
' End Sub
' 3. Save the workbook. The module will be imported.
' 4. Change the file in some 3rd-party editor and save. Save the workbook, the module will be imported.
' 5. Change the module code in VBA Editor. Save the workbook, the module will be exported.
' * Path string in this module must be ended with "\"
' * Path provided to Syn() must be absolute path
' * This module should be named as 'Mod_Vba', otherwise need to change predefined name in ImportModule() accordingly
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Public Function Syn(ByVal sFile As String, Optional ByVal sModule As String)
Dim bModule As Boolean, bFile As Boolean
' Check if file exists
bFile = (Dir(sFile) <> "")
' Use file name as module name if not specified
If sModule = "" Then
sModule = Mid(sFile, InStrRev(sFile, "\") + 1) ' Get file name
sModule = Left(sModule, InStrRev(sModule, ".") - 1) ' Remove extension
End If
' Check if module exists
bModule = InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents)
If bFile = True And bModule = False Then
' Import the file if no module
ImportModule sFile, sModule
ElseIf bFile = False And bModule = True Then
' Export the module if no file
ExportModule sModule, sFile
ElseIf bFile = True And bModule = True Then
Dim nDateDiff As Double
nDateDiff = CDbl(Format(FileDateTime(sFile), "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"))
nDateDiff = nDateDiff - CDbl(GetModuleStamp(sModule))
If nDateDiff > 0 Then
' Import the file if it is newer.
' NOTE: Any modification of module in VBE will be overwritten.
ImportModule sFile, sModule
ElseIf ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(sModule).Saved = False _
Or nDateDiff < 0 Then
' Export if module is modified while file remains.
ExportModule sModule, sFile
Debug.Print "Synchronised " & sFile & " with " & sModule
Exit Function
End If
Err.Raise 1, "Mod_Vba\Syn", "Neither file nor module are found."
Exit Function
End If
Syn = SetModuleStamp(sModule, sFile)
Debug.Print "Synchronised " & sFile & " with " & sModule
End Function
Public Function InCollection(Item As Variant, Parent As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Parent.Item Item
InCollection = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function GetModuleStamp(ByVal sModule As String) As String
If Not InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents) Then Exit Function
GetModuleStamp = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description
Dim nPos As Long
nPos = InStr(1, GetModuleStamp, sModule)
If nPos > 0 Then GetModuleStamp = Mid(GetModuleStamp, nPos + Len(sModule) + 1, 14) Else GetModuleStamp = "0"
Debug.Print sModule & " stamp: " & GetModuleStamp
End Function
Private Function SetModuleStamp(ByVal sModule As String, ByVal TimeStamp) As String
If Not InCollection(sModule, ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents) Then Exit Function
Dim sTimeStamp As String
' If TimeStamp is a file String then get the FileDateTime, else it is provided as a Date
If TypeName(TimeStamp) = "String" Then TimeStamp = FileDateTime(TimeStamp)
TimeStamp = Format(TimeStamp, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS")
' Store module timestamp in VBProject.Desciption
Dim nPos As Long
SetModuleStamp = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description
' Find the module position in timestamp string
nPos = InStr(1, SetModuleStamp, sModule)
If nPos > 0 Then
' If module found, update the timestamp
SetModuleStamp = Left(SetModuleStamp, nPos - 1) & sModule & "@" & TimeStamp & "," & Mid(SetModuleStamp, nPos + Len(sModule) + 16)
'Module not found, append the new timestamp
SetModuleStamp = SetModuleStamp & sModule & "@" & TimeStamp & ","
End If
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.Description = SetModuleStamp
Debug.Print "Module stamp updated: " & SetModuleStamp
End Function
Public Function ImportModule(ByVal sFile As String, Optional ByVal sModule As String, Optional ByVal sWorkbookName As String = "") As String
Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook
Dim oVBC
' Use ActiveWorkbook by default
If sWorkbookName = "" Then sWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set wbSource = Application.Workbooks(sWorkbookName)
Set oVBC = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
' Use file name as module name if not specified
If sModule = "" Then
sModule = Mid(sFile, InStrRev(sFile, "\") + 1) ' Get file name
sModule = Left(sModule, InStrRev(sModule, ".") - 1) ' Remove extension
End If
' Check if module exists
If InCollection(sModule, oVBC) Then
' If module exists, rename old module
oVBC(sModule).Name = sModule & "__Old__"
' Import the new module and rename
oVBC.import sFile
oVBC(oVBC.Count).Name = sModule
' For this module, the timestamp needs to be set before removing.
If sModule = "Mod_Vba" Then SetModuleStamp sModule, sFile
' Delete the old module
oVBC.Remove oVBC(sModule & "__Old__")
' If module does not exist, import and rename
oVBC.import sFile
oVBC(oVBC.Count).Name = sModule
End If
ImportModule = sModule
Debug.Print sModule & " imported from " & sFile
End Function
Public Function ExportModule(Optional ByVal sModule As String = "", Optional ByVal sPath As String = "", Optional ByVal sWorkbookName As String = "")
Dim sFile As String, sExt As String
Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook
Dim oVBC
' Use ActiveWorkbook by default
If sWorkbookName = "" Then sWorkbookName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set wbSource = Application.Workbooks(sWorkbookName)
If wbSource.VBProject.Protection = 1 Then
Debug.Print "Error: The VBA in this workbook is protected, not possible to export the code."
Exit Function
End If
' Use workbook folder by default
If sPath = "" Then sPath = wbSource.path & "\"
If sModule = "" Then
' Export all modules if not specified
For Each oVBC In wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents
' Match file extension with module type
sExt = ModuleTypeExt(oVBC.Type)
sFile = sPath & oVBC.Name & sExt
If sExt <> "" Then oVBC.Export sFile
Debug.Print sModule & " exported to " & sFile
ElseIf InCollection(sModule, wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents) Then
' Export specific module
Set oVBC = wbSource.VBProject.VBComponents(sModule)
If Right(sPath, 1) = "\" Then
' If only path is given, use module name as file name
sExt = ModuleTypeExt(oVBC.Type)
sFile = sPath & oVBC.Name & sExt
' If full path is given
sFile = sPath
End If
oVBC.Export sFile
Debug.Print sModule & " exported to " & sFile
End If
End Function
Private Function ModuleTypeExt(ByVal nModuleType) As String
' Check VBComponent.Type
Select Case nModuleType
Case 1
ModuleTypeExt = ".bas"
Case 2
ModuleTypeExt = ".cls"
Case 3
ModuleTypeExt = ".frm"
Case Else
' Worksheet or workbook object.
ModuleTypeExt = ""
End Select
End Function
I am not sure it is bug or not.
I used to run above VBA to export and import codes.
Hope helpful.
Mar 04 2024 06:15 PM
Mar 04 2024 06:35 PM
Mar 05 2024 12:15 AM
Worksheet and workbook modules ARE class modules, but not stand-alone class modules. You cannot use File > Import to import them to a worksheet or workbook. You have to copy/paste the text.
Mar 05 2024 10:51 AM
Mar 05 2024 12:27 PM
Compiling after deleting the code should remove the 'fluff' that builds up over time.