Weeknum first Sunday = week 1

Copper Contributor
I'm trying to use the weeknum function but there is no return type that make week 1 the first full week of the new year. Is there a way to get around this?
1 Reply



could you explain where such a system is used? Excel only uses two systems according to the support page.


  • System 1    The week containing January 1 is the first week of the year, and is numbered week 1.

  • System 2    The week containing the first Thursday of the year is the first week of the year, and is numbered as week 1. This system is the methodology specified in ISO 8601, which is commonly known as the European week numbering system.

System 1 is used for return types 1 and 2 and 11 to 17. And System 2 is used for return type 21.