Apr 11 2022 04:07 AM
This code below sometimes works sometimes doesn't. I don't get why. The file is in CSV format. Also, adding Debug.Print wb.Name line produces a result of the csv file not being displayed in immediate window. I'm guessing it's because it's running in a different instance. How can I fix this?
Sub CopyRAWMMP()
Dim Ct As Long
For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
If wb.Name Like "data-*" Then
Ct = Ct + 1
Exit For
End If
Next wb
If Ct = 0 Then MsgBox "MSG"
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Workbooks("Real Time.xlsm").Activate
Worksheets("Raw MMP").Activate
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
I'd really appreciate your assistance.
Apr 11 2022 04:47 AM
On the safer side, you may change the logical test as below to remove any leading space in the file name and ignore the letter case and see if this works for you...
If Trim(LCase(wb.Name)) Like "data-*" Then
Apr 11 2022 04:47 AM
On the safer side, you may change the logical test as below to remove any leading space in the file name and ignore the letter case and see if this works for you...
If Trim(LCase(wb.Name)) Like "data-*" Then