vba User Forms

Copper Contributor

I've upgrade (haha) to Office 365.  I use UserForms with Frames and OptionButtons to run macros that create PivotTables.  Through every version of Excel up until Office 365 these UserForms have worked perfectly.  Now however when I activate a UserForm and Frame1 appears it can take upwards of 10 minutes for the macro attached to Frame1 to run if it does at all.  Sometimes an OptionButton on Frame1 calls up Frame2 with more OptionButtons.  It can take upward of 10 minutes if at all for the OptionButtons on Frame to appear and then another 10 minutes for the macros associated with the OptionButtons on Frame2 to run.  Anyone know whats going on?

1 Reply
Without having access to the relevant parts of your code it is going to be almost impossible to advise. Userforms work perfectly alright in my Office 365, so this is likely something specific to your implementation.