Jun 13 2024 06:43 AM
I am looking for some generic VBA code that will allow me to automatically adjust a couple fields based on others for a set number of lines. What I want, in laymen's terms is:
1. Pop-up to enter the number of "lots" (see screenshot) I want to adjust
2. For that many lots, adjust column F to add the amount in G (F is currently not a formula, so manually, I do an "<F2>, +1, <Home>, =, <tab>" - I want it to do this so I can see the new formula versus just adding the fields like in another VBA project I have).
3. For the same amount of lots, I need to adjust the weight in col P by adding the number in G * the average weight in col Q. Again, P is not a formula now, so I manually do "<F2>, +1*219, <Home>, =, <tab>
From my limited experience writing these I assume it would look similar to this:
X = entered number of lots (array)
Diff = col G
Avg = col Q
For x lots, F = F+Diff
For x lots, P = P+Diff*Avg
The lot number, which could be utilized to define/compare X is in column D. So, we could use an "If col D is IN the entered lot array" - say I enter 1 as the starting and 9 as the ending lot in the pop-up - THEN ... run the formulas. This way, if I want to adjust, say lots 16-22 or only lot 40, the IF-statement will only look for and adjust those lots. So, the beginning and ending lots should be able to be the same number. And, the search for lot numbers should be D2-D60 with error handling for no entry (I generally have 35-50 lots, but could be more or less).
Thank you in advance
Jun 13 2024 10:17 PM
Sub AdjustFieldsBasedOnLots()
Dim startLot As Integer, endLot As Integer
Dim cell As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lotNumber As Integer
Dim lotRange As Range
Dim diff As Double
Dim avgWeight As Double
' Prompt user for starting and ending lot numbers
startLot = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting lot number:", Type:=1)
endLot = Application.InputBox("Enter the ending lot number:", Type:=1)
' Error handling for invalid inputs
If startLot <= 0 Or endLot <= 0 Or endLot < startLot Then
MsgBox "Please enter valid lot numbers.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change Sheet1 to your sheet name
' Loop through the rows to find the specified lots and adjust columns F and P
For Each cell In ws.Range("D2:D60") ' Adjust range as needed
lotNumber = cell.Value
If lotNumber >= startLot And lotNumber <= endLot Then
diff = cell.Offset(0, 3).Value ' Column G
avgWeight = cell.Offset(0, 13).Value ' Column Q
' Update column F
If IsNumeric(cell.Offset(0, 2).Value) Then ' Ensure it's a numeric value
cell.Offset(0, 2).Formula = "=" & cell.Offset(0, 2).Value & "+" & diff
End If
' Update column P
If IsNumeric(cell.Offset(0, 12).Value) Then ' Ensure it's a numeric value
cell.Offset(0, 12).Formula = "=" & cell.Offset(0, 12).Value & "+" & diff & "*" & avgWeight
End If
End If
Next cell
MsgBox "Fields updated successfully!", vbInformation
End Sub
The code is not tested, please back up your file beforehand.
Maybe it will help. Maybe not
Jun 14 2024 12:02 PM
SolutionTo accomplish the content replacement while including error (exception) handling and a summary of rows changed, try the following:
Sub ReplaceLotValues()
' This procedure (macro) prompts for a range of Lot numbers (the
' first and last Lot numbers can be the same, to act upon a
' single lot), and changes the Hogs counts (column F) and
' Total Weights (column P) for those rows, replacing them with
' formulas.
Dim strMessage As String
Dim in4UserResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim objWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim in2FirstLotNumber As Integer
Dim in2LastLotNumber As Integer
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim in2LotNumber As Integer
Dim vntDifference As Variant
Dim vntAvgWeight As Variant
Dim vntHogs As Variant
Dim vntTotalWeight As Variant
Dim in2RowsModified As Integer
'---- Prepare for error handling.
Set rngCell = Range("A1") '...temporarily, to simplify error handling
On Error GoTo RLV_ErrHndlr
'---- Get confirmation of which worksheet is to be used.
Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
in4UserResponse = MsgBox("Do you want to use and modify worksheet " _
& objWorksheet.Name & "?" _
, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)
If in4UserResponse = vbNo Then
Call MsgBox("Activate the correct worksheet, and try again." _
, vbInformation)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Prompt the user for the range of Lot numbers.
With Application
in2FirstLotNumber = .InputBox("Enter the first relevant Lot number:" _
, Type:=1)
in2LastLotNumber = .InputBox("Enter the last relevant Lot number:" _
, Type:=1)
End With
' -- Check for invalid input.
If in2FirstLotNumber = 0 Or in2LastLotNumber = 0 Then
'...the user likely canceled the action.
Call MsgBox("Action canceled at your request.", vbInformation)
Exit Sub
ElseIf in2FirstLotNumber < 0 Or in2LastLotNumber < 0 _
Or in2LastLotNumber > 3000 Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter valid Lot numbers.", vbExclamation)
Exit Sub
ElseIf in2LastLotNumber < in2FirstLotNumber Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter Lot numbers in ascending order (i.e.," _
& " the smaller one first).", vbExclamation)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Loop through the rows to find the specified Lot numbers. Where
' those are found, change columns F and P.
For Each rngCell In objWorksheet.Range("D2:D60")
'[Feel free to increase the last row number, as the performance
' penalty for checking extra rows is negligible.]
in2LotNumber = rngCell.Value '[That assumes the Lot number cells all
'contain numbers < 32768 or are empty.]
If in2LotNumber >= in2FirstLotNumber _
And in2LotNumber <= in2LastLotNumber Then
vntHogs = rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value '(column F)
vntDifference = rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Value '(column G)
vntTotalWeight = rngCell.Offset(0, 12).Value '(column P)
vntAvgWeight = rngCell.Offset(0, 13).Value '(column Q)
' -- Check the relevant cells for no content/invalid content.
If IsEmpty(vntHogs) _
Or IsNumeric(vntHogs) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntDifference) _
Or IsNumeric(vntDifference) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntTotalWeight) _
Or IsNumeric(vntTotalWeight) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntAvgWeight) _
Or IsNumeric(vntAvgWeight) = False _
Call MsgBox("Incomplete or invalid data was found for Lot " _
& in2LotNumber & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "No change will be made to that row." _
, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly)
GoTo NextRow
End If
' -- Replace the content of columns F and P with formulas.
rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Formula = "=" & vntHogs & " + " & vntDifference
rngCell.Offset(0, 12).Formula = "=" & vntTotalWeight _
& " + " & vntDifference & " * " & vntAvgWeight
' --
in2RowsModified = in2RowsModified + 1
End If
Next rngCell
Call MsgBox(in2RowsModified & " rows were updated.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
Dim in4ErrorCode As Long
Dim strErrorDescr As String
' -- Capture information about the processing error (exception).
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
' -- Notify the user.
strMessage = "Error " & in4ErrorCode & " occurred"
If rngCell.Address = "$A$1" Then
strMessage = strMessage & ":"
strMessage = strMessage & "while processing worksheet row " _
& rngCell.Row & ":"
End If
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & strErrorDescr
in4UserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage, vbCritical)
' --
Resume RLV_Exit
End Sub
I recommend including an Option Explicit statement at the beginning of this—and every—code module that you use. And as with any macro-enabled workbook, be very careful in who you allow to edit it.
Jun 14 2024 12:13 PM
Thank you for this. I have revised to fit my file constraints and implemented and it works great!
Jun 14 2024 12:02 PM
SolutionTo accomplish the content replacement while including error (exception) handling and a summary of rows changed, try the following:
Sub ReplaceLotValues()
' This procedure (macro) prompts for a range of Lot numbers (the
' first and last Lot numbers can be the same, to act upon a
' single lot), and changes the Hogs counts (column F) and
' Total Weights (column P) for those rows, replacing them with
' formulas.
Dim strMessage As String
Dim in4UserResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim objWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim in2FirstLotNumber As Integer
Dim in2LastLotNumber As Integer
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim in2LotNumber As Integer
Dim vntDifference As Variant
Dim vntAvgWeight As Variant
Dim vntHogs As Variant
Dim vntTotalWeight As Variant
Dim in2RowsModified As Integer
'---- Prepare for error handling.
Set rngCell = Range("A1") '...temporarily, to simplify error handling
On Error GoTo RLV_ErrHndlr
'---- Get confirmation of which worksheet is to be used.
Set objWorksheet = ActiveSheet
in4UserResponse = MsgBox("Do you want to use and modify worksheet " _
& objWorksheet.Name & "?" _
, vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2)
If in4UserResponse = vbNo Then
Call MsgBox("Activate the correct worksheet, and try again." _
, vbInformation)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Prompt the user for the range of Lot numbers.
With Application
in2FirstLotNumber = .InputBox("Enter the first relevant Lot number:" _
, Type:=1)
in2LastLotNumber = .InputBox("Enter the last relevant Lot number:" _
, Type:=1)
End With
' -- Check for invalid input.
If in2FirstLotNumber = 0 Or in2LastLotNumber = 0 Then
'...the user likely canceled the action.
Call MsgBox("Action canceled at your request.", vbInformation)
Exit Sub
ElseIf in2FirstLotNumber < 0 Or in2LastLotNumber < 0 _
Or in2LastLotNumber > 3000 Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter valid Lot numbers.", vbExclamation)
Exit Sub
ElseIf in2LastLotNumber < in2FirstLotNumber Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter Lot numbers in ascending order (i.e.," _
& " the smaller one first).", vbExclamation)
Exit Sub
End If
'---- Loop through the rows to find the specified Lot numbers. Where
' those are found, change columns F and P.
For Each rngCell In objWorksheet.Range("D2:D60")
'[Feel free to increase the last row number, as the performance
' penalty for checking extra rows is negligible.]
in2LotNumber = rngCell.Value '[That assumes the Lot number cells all
'contain numbers < 32768 or are empty.]
If in2LotNumber >= in2FirstLotNumber _
And in2LotNumber <= in2LastLotNumber Then
vntHogs = rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Value '(column F)
vntDifference = rngCell.Offset(0, 3).Value '(column G)
vntTotalWeight = rngCell.Offset(0, 12).Value '(column P)
vntAvgWeight = rngCell.Offset(0, 13).Value '(column Q)
' -- Check the relevant cells for no content/invalid content.
If IsEmpty(vntHogs) _
Or IsNumeric(vntHogs) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntDifference) _
Or IsNumeric(vntDifference) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntTotalWeight) _
Or IsNumeric(vntTotalWeight) = False _
Or IsEmpty(vntAvgWeight) _
Or IsNumeric(vntAvgWeight) = False _
Call MsgBox("Incomplete or invalid data was found for Lot " _
& in2LotNumber & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "No change will be made to that row." _
, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly)
GoTo NextRow
End If
' -- Replace the content of columns F and P with formulas.
rngCell.Offset(0, 2).Formula = "=" & vntHogs & " + " & vntDifference
rngCell.Offset(0, 12).Formula = "=" & vntTotalWeight _
& " + " & vntDifference & " * " & vntAvgWeight
' --
in2RowsModified = in2RowsModified + 1
End If
Next rngCell
Call MsgBox(in2RowsModified & " rows were updated.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
Dim in4ErrorCode As Long
Dim strErrorDescr As String
' -- Capture information about the processing error (exception).
in4ErrorCode = Err.Number
strErrorDescr = Err.Description
' -- Notify the user.
strMessage = "Error " & in4ErrorCode & " occurred"
If rngCell.Address = "$A$1" Then
strMessage = strMessage & ":"
strMessage = strMessage & "while processing worksheet row " _
& rngCell.Row & ":"
End If
strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf & strErrorDescr
in4UserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage, vbCritical)
' --
Resume RLV_Exit
End Sub
I recommend including an Option Explicit statement at the beginning of this—and every—code module that you use. And as with any macro-enabled workbook, be very careful in who you allow to edit it.