Using financial years in forecast formula...

Copper Contributor
Hi, can anyone help me? Trying to use forecast.ets formula, but my timeseries is in financial years (so 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03 and so on).

I get the NA error message from the formula. However, all works fine when I have dates as 2001, 2002, 2003 etc.

I would rather use the financial years, is there anyway to use financial years in forecast.ets?
1 Reply


The x-values MUST be dates or numbers. A value such as 2000-01 is a text value.

So use 2001, 2002 etc. You can place a column next to these with the fiscal years.

For example, with 2001 in cell A2, the formula =A2-1&"-"&TEXT(MOD(A2,100),"00") will return 2000-01.