Using a specific cell to reference table name in a minifs or maxifs funtion

Copper Contributor

I have multiple minif and maxif funtions, I use the name of table headers for my min/max range, id like to simply use a cell to reference the name of the header rather than manually having to change the name.


for instance I have:


=MINIFS(table23[Grades],criteria range1,criteria1...….


I want to do this:


=MINIFS(Table23[D1],criteria range1,criteria1...….

with cell D1=Grades


 and simply have the name of the table header I want the minif to return in cell D1. However it returns an error.


Thank you for any help!


1 Reply
The function you are looking for is the INDIRECT function:
HOwever, I find it a bad idea to actually use INDIRECT because:

1. The function is volatile, causing your (slow!) MINIF function to reclacluate every time Excel calculates, even if nothing has changed
2. INDIRECT is notoriously hard to trouble-shoot and audit
3. You loose the fact that changing the name of the table or the name of the column header automatically updates your formulas to reflect that change.