update outlook contact with VBA

Copper Contributor


I have a list of contacts stored in an Excel file. This Excel file is located in SharePoint. I regularly add or delete contacts (email, name, etc.) in this Excel file. That's why I want to automate the process of updating my Outlook contacts based on this Excel file.

I have implemented a solution that works when I want to store these contacts in the default Outlook folder named 'Contacts'. However, I don't want to store them in this folder. Instead, I have created a contact group named "groupe1" within the default folder, and it is in this group that I want to store the updated contacts. This way, when I want to send an email to these contacts, I can simply type the name of the group (groupe1) and retrieve all the contacts.

My real problem is as follows: When I'm in the "Contacts" folder, I need to access the "groupe1" group and modify the contact elements. Although my script below works without errors, the expected outcome is not achieved because the contacts in groupe1 are not being modified.

I would appreciate your assistance with this matter!


Sub UpdateOutlookContactsFromExcelSharePoint()

    ' SharePoint Configuration
    Dim sharepointSiteURL As String
    Dim sharepointFilePath As String
    Dim excelFileName As String
    Dim excelSheetName As String
    sharepointSiteURL = "https://your-sharepoint-site-url.com"
    sharepointFilePath = "/Shared Documents/Folder/ExcelFile.xlsx"
    excelFileName = "ExcelFile.xlsx"
    excelSheetName = "Sheet1"
    ' Outlook Configuration
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objNamespace As Object
    Dim objContactsFolder As Object
    Dim objContactGroup As Object
    Dim objContact As Object
    ' Get a reference to Outlook
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    ' Get a reference to the contacts folder
    Set objContactsFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(10)
    ' Contacts folder name
    Dim contactsFolderName As String
    contactsFolderName = "Contacts"
    ' Name of the contact group to access
    Dim groupName As String
    groupName = "groupe1"
    ' Loop through the contacts folders to find the "Contacts" folder
    Dim contactsFolder As Object
    For Each contactsFolder In objContactsFolder.Folders
        If contactsFolder.Name = contactsFolderName Then
            ' Loop through the contact groups in the "Contacts" folder to find the specified group
            For Each objContactGroup In contactsFolder.Folders
                If objContactGroup.Name = groupName Then
                    ' The specified contact group has been found
                    ' Open the Excel file in SharePoint
                    Dim excelApp As Object
                    Dim excelWorkbook As Object
                    Dim excelWorksheet As Object
                    Dim rngData As Object
                    Dim rngRow As Object
                    ' Create an instance of Excel application
                    Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
                    excelApp.Visible = False
                    excelApp.Workbooks.Open (sharepointSiteURL & sharepointFilePath)
                    Set excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks(excelFileName)
                    Set excelWorksheet = excelWorkbook.Worksheets(excelSheetName)
                    ' Get the data range from the Excel sheet
                    Set rngData = excelWorksheet.Range("A2:C" & excelWorksheet.Cells(excelWorksheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(-4162).Row)
                    ' Loop through the data rows
                    For Each rngRow In rngData.Rows
                        Dim strEmailAddress As String
                        ' Get the email address from the cell in column A
                        strEmailAddress = rngRow.Cells(1).Value
                        ' Check if the email address is not empty
                        If Not IsEmpty(strEmailAddress) Then
                            ' Find the corresponding contact in the contact group
                            Set objContact = objContactGroup.Items.Find("[Email1Address] = '" & strEmailAddress & "'")
                            ' Check if the contact is found
                            If Not objContact Is Nothing Then
                                ' Modify the contact properties with the data from the Excel row
                                objContact.FirstName = rngRow.Cells(2).Value
                                objContact.LastName = rngRow.Cells(3).Value
                                objContact.Email1Address = strEmailAddress
                                ' Save the changes
                            End If
                        End If
                    Next rngRow
                    ' Close the Excel workbook and quit the Excel application
                    excelWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
                    ' Clean up the Excel objects
                    Set rngData = Nothing
                    Set rngRow = Nothing
                    Set excelWorksheet = Nothing
                    Set excelWorkbook = Nothing
                    Set excelApp = Nothing
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next objContactGroup
            Exit For
        End If
    Next contactsFolder
    ' Clean up Outlook objects
    Set objContact = Nothing
    Set objContactGroup = Nothing
    Set objContactsFolder = Nothing
    Set objNamespace = Nothing
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
    MsgBox "The contacts in the 'groupe1' contact group have been updated from the SharePoint Excel file.", vbInformation

End Sub



1 Reply


To modify the contacts in the "groupe1" contact group instead of the default "Contacts" folder, you need to make some changes to the code.

Here is an updated version of the script (untested) that should update the contacts in the "groupe1" contact group:

Sub UpdateOutlookContactsFromExcelSharePoint()

    ' SharePoint Configuration
    Dim sharepointSiteURL As String
    Dim sharepointFilePath As String
    Dim excelFileName As String
    Dim excelSheetName As String
    sharepointSiteURL = "https://your-sharepoint-site-url.com"
    sharepointFilePath = "/Shared Documents/Folder/ExcelFile.xlsx"
    excelFileName = "ExcelFile.xlsx"
    excelSheetName = "Sheet1"
    ' Outlook Configuration
    Dim objOutlook As Object
    Dim objNamespace As Object
    Dim objContactsFolder As Object
    Dim objContactGroup As Object
    Dim objContact As Object
    ' Get a reference to Outlook
    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    ' Get a reference to the contacts folder
    Set objContactsFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(10)
    ' Name of the contact group to access
    Dim groupName As String
    groupName = "groupe1"
    ' Find the specified contact group
    Set objContactGroup = objContactsFolder.Folders(groupName)
    ' Open the Excel file in SharePoint
    Dim excelApp As Object
    Dim excelWorkbook As Object
    Dim excelWorksheet As Object
    Dim rngData As Object
    Dim rngRow As Object
    ' Create an instance of Excel application
    Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    excelApp.Visible = False
    excelApp.Workbooks.Open (sharepointSiteURL & sharepointFilePath)
    Set excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks(excelFileName)
    Set excelWorksheet = excelWorkbook.Worksheets(excelSheetName)
    ' Get the data range from the Excel sheet
    Set rngData = excelWorksheet.Range("A2:C" & excelWorksheet.Cells(excelWorksheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(-4162).Row)
    ' Loop through the data rows
    For Each rngRow In rngData.Rows
        Dim strEmailAddress As String
        ' Get the email address from the cell in column A
        strEmailAddress = rngRow.Cells(1).Value
        ' Check if the email address is not empty
        If Not IsEmpty(strEmailAddress) Then
            ' Find the corresponding contact in the contact group
            Set objContact = objContactGroup.Items.Find("[Email1Address] = '" & strEmailAddress & "'")
            ' Check if the contact is found
            If Not objContact Is Nothing Then
                ' Modify the contact properties with the data from the Excel row
                objContact.FirstName = rngRow.Cells(2).Value
                objContact.LastName = rngRow.Cells(3).Value
                objContact.Email1Address = strEmailAddress
                ' Save the changes
            End If
        End If
    Next rngRow
    ' Close the Excel workbook and quit the Excel application
    excelWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
    ' Clean up the Excel objects
    Set rngData = Nothing
    Set rngRow = Nothing
    Set excelWorksheet = Nothing
    Set excelWorkbook = Nothing
    Set excelApp = Nothing
    ' Clean up Outlook objects