UNIQUE & FILTER functions through Office Insider Fast access

Copper Contributor

I have signed up for the Insider Fast updates. The UNIQUE & FILTER functions are part of it, but I am still not able to get the functions in my Excel (Windows desktop & Mac). Does anyone know why? Or how to get them.


Really wishing for it, as I am using complex functions to achieve these outcomes.

2 Replies
It will be a staged roll out to the insiders "Dynamic arrays functionality is available in Preview for users signed up for the Office 365 Insiders Program starting today. We will initially roll out to a subset of Insider users on Windows so that we can gather feedback and monitor feature quality. Over the next few months, we'll be increasing the number of Insider users with access to dynamic arrays and light up support for Excel on Mac, web, and mobile. You’ll know if you have dynamic arrays if you see any of the new functions in your formula autocomplete when you start typing a formula." https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Excel-Blog/Preview-of-Dynamic-Arrays-in-Excel/ba-p/252944

Hi Wny

In order to Create a table that will populate a Gantt Chart - I am trying to extract List of Unique Categories from a Column in Sheet 1, and paste them to Sheet 2.  In Sheet 1, I have multiple rows (tasks) for each Categories, with their start date connected to end date of some prior task.  The MIN Date, and MAX Date are working fine.  For Listing of Unique Categories, I was able to use advance data filter to remove duplicates from a copied list, but each time I add a new Category, I would have to repeat this. 

Best way to handle seems to be Using the newly introdcued Beta funciton UNIQUE.  How can I get immediate access to it please?