Uni student Office account - Have no access to Power Pivot?

Copper Contributor

Hi There,

I am an uni student based in Sydney, Australia. Just want to check why I just can't find the "Power Pivot" add-in on my excel? It is required to use this add-in function for our final exam, so kinda urgently need to set up and add the add-in if possible. 

My account is the student uni email address account granted by the uni. So I guess that makes me a student package user? Is that the reason that I am not having the access to the function? 


Below are screenshots from my Mac excel. Thanks!






2 Replies

@EileenC1029 Power Pivot is not supported by Excel for the Mac. You need Excel for Windows.


Wow, thats disappointing. I might have to change to a Windows system computer if I want to be an accountant then. Because for one of the major accounting softwares, such as MYOB, it doesn't work so smoothly on Mac system either. @Riny_van_Eekelen But Thanks for the reply! Somehow Microsoft website says its because student account package doesn't have that Power Pivot access...