Trying to use one cell which includes multiple identifiers to obtain the pivot table value

Copper Contributor



I am currently trying to come up with a formula that sums from a pivot table using a sumif formula to get that value of certain POs. Some identifers are just one PO number which ends up summing correctly, but some identifiers have 2+ PO numbers and I cannot for the life of me get it to sum. The screen shot below is an example, the Per PO line should have a value since those POs are included in the pivot table. Also below is my current formula.






=IF(AN545="No Po",0,SUMIF('PO Table'!$A$4:$A$29,'Daily Updates'!AN545,'PO Table'!$B$4:$B$29))


I have tried using some special characters but it is proving me with a value of zero. I have used the * in the past with one identifier, but it is not working with multiple identifiers in one cell.


=IF(AQ545="No Po",0,SUMIF('PO Table'!$A$4:$A$29,"*"&AQ545&"*",'PO Table'!$B$4:$B$29))


Any help is greatly appreciated because I am very stuck and I am not sure what to do besides manually creating a column for each PO number and breaking it out that way, but that would extend my file by quite a bit.

2 Replies



You could arrange this a few ways.


Here are some examples:








Not sure if this will work in my situation. Sometimes my identifier is just one number ( 10062 and sometimes my identifier has 2+ numbers. 



I need to pull the value of those numbers above from my pivot table which in time will add more PO numbers on the pivot and potentially to the identifiers as the Project manager issues them.




The easiest option I have is to have a column per each PO and sum it that way, but I was trying to see if there was a way that everytime a new PO was issued and included in this file, it would be able to automatically sum the value of the PO with a formula.


I do appreciate the help. The formula you provided might help me on a different file that I have and help simplify my current formula.