Dec 07 2023 09:23 AM
When I try to use IF formula, excel show pop-up window: There is a problem with formula.
Dec 07 2023 09:33 AM
You don't provide any details, so it's impossible to know what causes the problem.
One possible issue: if you use point as decimal separator, use commas to separate the arguments of the function:
=IF(A1>37, "Yes", "No")
But if you use comma as decimal separator, you should use semicolons to separate the arguments:
=IF(A1>37; "Yes"; "No")
Dec 07 2023 11:12 PM
Dear Hans Vogelaar.
I don't have any decimal separators, since tha field format is time: ( 00:00:00 )
Kind regards.
Dec 08 2023 05:34 AM
How do you write two-and-a-half? As 2.5 (point is decimal separator) or as 2,5 (comma is decimal separator)?
Dec 08 2023 07:22 AM
I write 2:30
But as you mentioned before, I changed , with ; and the formula was accepted.
So thank you.