Jul 23 2021 01:25 PM
Let me try and explain what I am trying to do here. I have a series of columns with the date4 for the Monday of every week. This goes out for 2 years. I am listing electronic components that have different lead-times. I want the color of the dates to change when the date exceeds today's date plus the lead-time number.
I am trying to use the week number plus the lead-time number to change the color of a cell
I can enter this formula into a cell and it resolves correctly:
However if I enter this same formula into the conditional formatting it does nothing. It does not resolve at all. Of course under the formula conditional formatting is
Am I missing something here?
Jul 23 2021 01:57 PM
SolutionJul 27 2021 10:04 AM
@HansVogelaar Thank you for your input. I was able to get this operating the way that I want.
Thanks for your help.
Jul 23 2021 01:57 PM