Tournament Selection

Copper Contributor

I'm looking to run a bowls tournament.

I have 36 competitors each bowling as a single.

The tournament consists of 4 rounds, of 1 game each.


The players play in pairs, against another pair.


There are 9 "venues" available for the tournament so each "venue" will have 4 bowlers per game.


I need a routine that will build the tournament for me such that:-

- Each game every competitor will bowl with a unique bowler against two unique bowlers (so no-one competes against the same competitor more than once) in the tournament

- Additionally I want each competitor to change venues after each game (but they may return to an earlier venue later).


Can anyone help?

2 Replies

@KeithWest  so in the attached I set it up for you.  Basically I shift player in position 1 by 1 venue, position 2 by 2 venue, ...


@mtarler Thanks. I think you have cracked it for me with a little tweak here and there.

I couldn't get my head around how to do the shift.