Tiered Pricing for Product

Copper Contributor

so for my Software i charge prices per User. It is a tired pricing model.

0-50 User = 3,50€ per User
51-250     = 3,00€ 
251-500   = 2,50€
501-1000 = 2,00€
1001-2000 = 1,50€

I tried =SUMPRODUCT(--(F2>{0,50,250,500,1000,2000}),--(F2-{0,50,250,500,1000,2000}),{3.5,3.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0,5,-0,5})
But Excel doesnt recognize it as a formula

3 Replies

Your last array is not the same size as the others. It appears you have commas where you intended decimals?

I think excel is treating this as eight elements versus six.


Maybe this is what you are intending?



That could be

=LOOKUP(F2, {0,51,251,501,1001},{3.5,3,2.5,2,1.5})