Summary Sheet for Critical Dates

Copper Contributor

Hi All


I am needing to create a summary sheet that picks up critical dates in other tabs (they have conditional formatting to highlight the dates in red) Is there a way to pick up these dates from other tabs and have them show on a summary tab?

I will tidy up the other tabs and columns so that where there needs to be a date there is one and not text, there are currently about 10 tabs, but have shortened these for the example.

I look forward to your expertise.

1 Reply

@SandiNa I would start by putting all contracts in one single structured table. Add one or more columns to designate the origin and perhaps type of contract. Something you now seem to do by creating separate tabs. Some columns may not be applicable for all contracts. Just leave them blank. But then, at least, something like "Expiry date" is in the same column for every contract. And as you mentioned yourself already, tidy up the data. Dates only in date columns, add an extra column for the text comments if needed.


Once all that is done, you can filter out the information you need, e.g. all contacts of a certain type, or all contract that will expire in the next three months, or all contracts that have expired more that 30 days ago.


Depending on your Excel version and platform (PC or Mac) and the magnitude of the data, there are various ways of doing this.