SUMIF / SUMIFS Calculation

Copper Contributor



I am trying to calculate a total sales figure of a product (CPNY-22-389) on a sheet "Images" - but I want only FOB incoterm sales, from sheet "Split". As in 2nd screenshot, the product is also sold under inocterm DDP but I only want a total sales figure of the FOB incoterm. Please can someone help advise what function to use? I am trying SUMIF / SUMIFs but cannot seem to calculate. 

2 Replies


That could be like

=SUMIFS( <Split OB USD total column>,
   <Split SKU column>, SKU value,
   <Split Incoter colum>, "FOB" )



=SUMIFS(Split!TotalColumn,Split!SKUColumn=SKU,Split!IncotermColumn =INCOTER)


