Stamp Duty Calculation

Copper Contributor



I have a SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate stamp duty in the UK below where F2 = the purchase price of a property. 


=SUMPRODUCT(--(F2>{0;250000;925000;1500000}),(F2-{0;250000;925000;1500000}), {0.03;0.05;0.05;0.02})


I want to edit this formula so that if F2 is less than 40000 then the stamp duty = £0 regardless of the above formula.


Can anyone assist me please?






6 Replies
best response confirmed by Pat_Burrows1970 (Copper Contributor)




Does this return the expected result?



Thank you it worked.


You are a star!

You are welcome.



If anyone comes across this thread more recently, rates have now changed...



Very useful - thank you!



The correct formula incorporating rates as of March 2024 is as follows;



Note, the rates are incremental so for although its 10% SDLT from £925k to £1.5m, we have to use 5% increment over the previous tier.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Pat_Burrows1970 (Copper Contributor)




Does this return the expected result?

View solution in original post