#SPILL - How to solve without splitting cells

Copper Contributor


First, my english isn't best, so hopefully you can understand what I want.


Well, I need to get the value of a cell in one worksheet shown in a cell in another worksheet, problem is that these cells are connected, the formula when I try to get the cells becomes:

='Blatt 1'!C12:H12

which ends in a #SPILL error.

I tryed to find a solution but all I find is to seperate the connected cells, but that isn't possible for my worksheets as they are a special formated document I am not allowed to change that much...which means I need the connected cells as they are.


So how can i solve the problem, get the values into my cells and stay them connected?

6 Replies
Well, ok, found a solution, new formula:
=WERT(@'Blatt 1'!C12:BJ12)
I don't know why it wants till BJ12 as it is the last cell of the row of connectet cells and the "one" I want the value of is just C12:H12, but it works as I want it, so...
Please read the below mentioned doc.

Spill error occurs due to space is not available,
I my case the error comes because I had connected cells, so it tryed to get values out of multiple cells that are not existing and put them in multiple cells that are one... however, as I sayed I solved it with a Workaround using the =VALUE(@'Blatt1'!C12:BJ12) formula (hope german WERT is english VALUE)

also, the link you sent is not working for me "page not found"

Another good option is to use INDEX function. =INDEX('Blatt1'!C12:BJ12,1,1)